👋🏽 Hello, and welcome to my website! I’m Pramana.

For the details of this site: I use Hugo with a modified Archie theme. This site is deployed through GitHub Pages. I’m always changing my mind on this blog’s design, so don’t be surprised if there are changes here and there.

While I’m not set on a single section of math, I love using new discoveries in math and creating pictures. You can fairly accurately measure how excited I am to make a new post by how many photos are in it.

If you want to reach out, you can contact me on my Mathstodon.

Can a machine learn mathematical structure?

A discussion of my research work last semester to use machine learning to answer questions in algebra
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Why homology is weaker than homotopy

How to come up with two spaces that have isomorphic homology groups, but not the same fundamental groups
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Understanding exact sequences

Through examples in groups and differential geometry
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My first CTF: HackMIT 2023's puzzle

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Visualizing prime spectrums with graphs

Applying my combinatorics knowledge to commutative algebra to help draw the prime spectrum of a ring.
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Visualizing horospheres on hyperbolic groups

My spring semester undergradute research project. Joint work with Noah Jillson, Katerina Stuopis, Daniel Levitin, and Tullia Dymarz.
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Weak solutions to dirichlet boundary problems

A (hopefully) light survey of Dirichlet boundary problems and weak solutions to PDEs.
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Group structures

Introductory methods I've gathered for studying the structure of finite groups.
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Graph ends and their purpose in geometric group theory

An introduction to "ends" in graph theory and their use in geometric group theory.
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